Asociation of Research Organisation (AVO) is the only organisation representing R&D sector in private companies (that include private research organisations and also business units).

AVO has 30 years of experience in technological transfer, innovation management, public support for R&D investment, members and statutory representatives cooperating with public bodies, evaluators and are actively involved in as researchers and entrepreneurs. AVO provides expert services related to RIS strategy, innovation management, intellectual property, direct and indirect public support for R&D and also Industry 4.0. There are several industry sectors represented in AVO, included Entineering, IT, Chemisty, AVO members are involved in EUROPE DANUBE, H2020 projects, or in European Technological platform and also clusters. AVO is a partner of the INTERREG CENTRAL BSO Boost project and also developing several national projects focused on innovation management, bioeconomy and evaluation.

AVO’s mission is to utilise the research results and use the full potential of applied research to support bioeconomy as an opportunity for the long term competitiveness of the Czech Republic as a country.

AVO is developing a case study of bioeconomy business models and it developed the very first digital on-line map of the research capacity and skills as a unique opportunity for SMEs. AVO is developing Road map for applied Research for the Ministry of Industry and Trade and participating on the concept paper of the national bioeconomy strategy as member of the first bioeconomy HUB in the BIOEAST region - BIOEAST HUB CZ.

The seat of the AVO is in Prague. AVO members are located in all regions of the Czech Republic. As AVO represents the Czech research capacities and currently involves about 75 institutions and 7800 experts involved in R&D - AVO gathers experts, experience, and ideas. We are involved in projects focused on financial support of pree-seed activities and commercialisation of research and development results.



Industry sectors of AVO members:

  • Agriculture
  • Engineering
  • IT
  • Chemistry
  • Medicine
President: Ing. Libor Kraus

Executive director: Ing. Vaclav Neumajer

PR & marketing: Dagmar Doleželová, MBA

Research organizations database

AVO members database

Jsme dobrovolné sdružení právnických a fyzických osob, které již od roku 1990 zastupuje zájmy aplikovaného výzkumu a vývoje.

Statutárním orgánem AVO je prezidium. Tvoří ho prezident, viceprezident a výkonný předseda.
Řídícím orgánem je patnáctičlenné předsednictvo.

Pracujeme ve prospěch aplikovaného výzkumu, poskytujeme odborné informace, pomáháme, spolupracujeme a propagujeme.

We run our blog on WordPress where we talk about problems and opportunities in research and development and discuss with our colleagues (only in czech).

Máte zájem o členství v AVO?

Členem AVO se může stát každá podnikající právnická/fyzická osoba, která se zabývá výzkumem a vývojem (především aplikovaným), nebo má s touto činností důležité společné zájmy.


Asociace výzkumných organizací

Smetanovo nábřeží 195/5; 11000
Praha 1 Staré Město

Tel.: +420 277 278 370,  +420 776 133 652

IČO: 00546151
DS: 5ep53xx

Regionální zastoupení Brno

Ing. Miroslav Ecler
Nám. Republiky 1, 614 00 Brno - Husovice

Tel.:  +420 545 215 157, +420 608 402 991


Asociace výzkumných organizací

Ing. Jaroslav Kunčický, CSc.
Poděbradova 16, 702 00 Ostrava

Tel.: 603 711 297